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  • Tuesday, April 25, 2006


    Are You There God? It's Me, LaShawn.

    Sounds to me like the bitch had it coming... Posted by Picasa

    LaShawn Barber, Christian Blogger nonpareil, on the Duke rape case:

    Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong may not be able sit on his laurels, so to speak, until the job-saving May 2 election, as planned. (And he may end up in serious legal trouble, too.)

    Accused rapist Reade Seligmann’s lawyer Kirk Osborn is calling Nifong’s bluff. Osborn wants to know what he’s got. The Smoking Gun has posted a copy of the motion.

    Gentle readers, if you thought things were rough before, wait until you see a zealous lawyer in action. Although it’s sometimes distasteful, it is often…dare I put it this way…a thing of beauty. From an article:

    The attorney for one of two Duke lacrosse players charged with raping a stripper demanded on Monday that prosecutors turn over the accuser’s medical, legal and education records for use in attacking her credibility.

    Kirk Osborn, who represents player Reade Seligmann, said the material will provide “rich sources of information for impeaching the complaining witnesses.”

    Osborn also asked a judge to hold a pretrial hearing to “determine if the complaining witness is even credible enough to provide reliable testimony.” (Source)

    (By the way, the second set of DNA tests won’t be completed until May 15.)

    Even if they never touched the stripper, Seligmann’s and Collin Finnerty’s reputations at Duke University are shot. She could go on national TV tonight and confess she made it up, fall on her knees begging forgiveness and imploring the media and black “leaders” to back off. Wouldn’t make much difference.

    The defense is about to dig so deeply into the accuser’s life…mere words can’t express it.

    Oh yeah, LaShawn, get out the popcorn. Nothing quite says "Christian kindness" like cheerleading an attorney about to savage a woman's life. Was there a rape that night? I don't know and neither does LaShawn. But from what I can remember from my Catholic school days, gleefully salivating at the thought of humiliating a woman over her past isn't exactly an example of being touched by the better angels of our nature. And since I lack those better angels (we atheists have all the fun) I'm going to point out that I would expect someone with LaShawn's history to know better.

    While I was still drinking, I lived by my own morals. Now, I wanted to live by God's. I realized a "perfect" life isn't necessary; a surrendered life is. I never went out with Greg. I now believe God allowed him to come into my life to help me realize my need for a moral compass—and, more importantly, for a Savior.

    Several months later, on December 23, 1999, I told God I knew sobriety and abstinence weren't enough to save me. I dedicated my life to him. I asked Jesus Christ to forgive me of my sins, to release me from the burdens of bitterness and fear, and to fill my heart with trust. I surrendered my will to the Lord that night, finding comfort in Matthew 11:28, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

    As I read the Bible, the Lord continues to open my spiritual eyes. Jesus didn't come to make bad people good; he came to make dead people alive! He says: "Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life" (John 4:14).
    Well that it explains it. Jesus didn't come to make "bad people good" and if He came to fill LaShawn with goodness and mercy, He forgot to top her off.


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